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Fresno City College is one of the many California community colleges that makes consistent efforts to create and maintain student equity on campus. Be it online, in-person or hybrid classes, they have successfully been creating an equitable environment for their racially and socio-economically diverse students coming from 45 different countries. 

NameCoach was adopted at Fresno City College earlier this year as a way of strengthening their inclusion and equity efforts further. As their Spring semester started earlier this year, faculty took the extra step to create a sense of belonging amongst their students. In over 850 classes, each name recording was played at an average of over 5 times in the first few weeks of classes (snapshot below). Fall 2019 saw a 75% increase in distinct recordings and a 52% increase in playbacks.  

Jodie Steeley, Director of Distance Education at Fresno City College says, “Although we have been purposely sharing NameCoach with faculty and students for only 6 months, we are immensely proud in the number of names recorded and especially of the number of playbacks.  The playbacks demonstrate the commitment Fresno City College has to helping student feels welcome and valued.”

Kudos to Fresno City College for showing their constant commitment towards making each student feel welcomed, reflecting the great responsibility that the college has to the educational attainment and economic well-being of the surrounding community!

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