Discover Namecoach for Events!
Our latest offering for commencements, graduations, and other special events!



Create a Namebadge by voice-recording your name. You can also add the meaning, origin, and funny stories about your name.


Publish your Namebadge in your LinkedIn and other online profiles, or in your email signature with a free custom button.


Share your Namebadge with one click on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest. Let the world really know your name!

What's in a Namebadge?

pure and simple

Your name, pure and simple

Record your name so others can learn to say it right.

flash that smile

Flash that

Add an image so others know the person behind the name.

tell your story

Tell your

People love to know the origin, meaning, and interesting stories about your name.

Get Namebadge for your organization

You’ll benefit from both sharing your proper name and
accessing colleague pronunciations company-wide.

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