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Check out articles about Namecoach and its impact on organizations and campuses across the country


Don’t make people’s names a source of shame

P&G is using this awareness month to promote its second ‘The Name’ campaign, which wants to make the point that for people to feel like they belong in an organization, it should start with their name, To put its money where its mouth is, P&G has partnered with technology company, NameCoach

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Namecoach Achieves SOC 2 Type II Compliance

“SOC 2 Type II compliance demonstrates that Namecoach can safeguard customer data and successfully operate within security parameters, a top priority for the platform predicated on helping people build trust, promote inclusion, and encourage rapport in every interaction.”

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How to avoid fumbling names at work

“Carving out a niche in HR tech, modern thought leaders are scheming up innovative ways to eliminate ‘the ethnic pause’ and name-butchering all together… No matter what employers do to spark positive conversations around ‘difficult-to-pronounce names,’ going the extra mile here can make all the difference.”

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The one skill that every virtual organization needs

“Instead of relegating the success or failure of your customer events, brainstorming sessions, and team meetings to chance, invest in the one superstar every organization operating virtually needs now: A skilled moderator. Great hosts create a personal connection with each presenter.. [NameCoach] offers simple and effective embedded online tools to help you easily learn and remember how to pronounce people’s names. Perfectly.”

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Namecoach Selected for Salesforce Accelerate

“Salesforce Accelerate is designed to provide the insights, learning, and support that startups need to strategically align with Salesforce and accelerate their time-to-market with AppExchange. Namecoach was selected for Build program as a means to accelerate success on the AppExchange and the Salesforce ecosystem.”

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CVC-OEI Partners with Namecoach to Support the California Community College System

“Increasingly, research shows that sense of belonging is a critical factor in student success and persistence, and that name mispronunciation is a frequent and pervasive way in which students often are or feel alienated… Through its Namecoach partnership, the CVC-OEI can help alleviate potential student alienation, particularly with at-risk populations and first-generation college students.”

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Canvas to implement name pronunciation software

“‘We just really feel that there’s some strong benefits to build up the student-faculty relationships and the student-to-student connections and foster a more inclusive and welcoming environment,’ said Julie Selander, director of One Stop Student Services.”

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Ties that bind a higher ed campus together: Tools and tactics for strengthening faculty-student relationships

“Better academic performance. Increased student retention and graduation rates. Improved sense of campus community. These are just three benefits that closer ties among faculty and students can yield. Here are nine places to foster such connections… Foothill College in California is one community college that’s using technology to help ensure professors get it right. NameCoach, which integrates with Foothill’s Canvas course management system, was the tool of choice.”

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Princeton University introduces new name pronunciation tool

“The Office of the Registrar has also received messages of appreciation from students along with feedback suggesting that it should be extended to all sectors of the University… Since advisors and professors will know the correct pronunciation of students’ names beforehand, students will not have to awkwardly correct, or worse, hear their names mispronounced repeatedly.”

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What’s in a Name?

“When the professor engages the student in personal conversation, recognizes her by name and seems to include her in the domain of attention, the subject matter seems more accessible. The nonverbal message goes out that the student is part of the community of people who can do mathematics, statistics, chemistry or whatever, the subject matter is.”

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Namecoach Solves A Big Problem For Colleges, Universities and Students’ Names

“Indian comedian Vir Das does this insanely funny bit about being an Indian in America and how teachers always butchered his, and his friends names. Although the bit is funny as heck, and the mispronunciation of student names isn’t typically intentional it can be embarrassing and disheartening, especially at an important event like commencement.”

“Praveen Shanbhag says no more. That’s why he created Namecoach.”

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Bay Area tech firm helps universities with hard-to-pronounce names

“‘Pronouncing a person’s name right is all about taking the time to respect someone’s sense of identity,’ said Shanbhag, founder and CEO of NameCoach. ‘Academia is succeeding in creating a more diverse community and more diverse campuses and with that comes more diverse names. Respecting people’s identity is a core element of inclusion. Names are a core part of that, they’re a core element of who a person is and where they come from.'”

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How do you pronounce your name?

“There are many guides to making a first impression, networking, interviewing, and socializing, but most seem to start with what you are wearing and jump to what to talk about. What happens in between is the most simple yet most tricky aspect of all – how do you want others to pronounce your name?”

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Tech helps commencement announcers nail grads’ names

“The last thing graduating collegians want to hear, after four years of hard work, and with bursting-with-pride relatives present at commencement ceremonies, is announcers butchering their names. Hamline University for decades saw this happen again and again, despite commencement organizers’ sincere efforts to get graduates’ name pronunciations right. This year, the St. Paul-based institution is tapping into tech to get this issue licked once and for all in time for graduation ceremonies.”

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Praveen Shanbhag: The Name Coach

“Praveen Shanbhag is a smart guy with a PhD in Philosophy. Like most philosophers, he spends time asking good questions. Questions like, ‘why can’t universities (who employ really smart people) pronounce the names of their students correctly at graduation ceremonies?’ Unlike most philosophers, Praveen went beyond asking; this son of Indian immigrants started a company to help us get each other’s names right. We have a name for that: Genius!”

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Start-Up Aims to Solve Perpetual Graduation Problem: Butchered Names

“Stanford University, whose students gave us the modern search engine, the modern sneaker company, and the modern method of money transfer, is finally tackling a native challenge: commencement. At graduation ceremonies over the past weekend, eight departments at the university used a web-based service that allows students to record their names before commencement for the benefit of whoever reads aloud the list of graduates.”

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