Hear their names. Say their names.

(This website banner is an example of how to use the public resources provided below.)

Say their names.

This resource provides full name audio files for a partial list of Black Americans killed by police.  It is intended to support those who are encouraging the public to hear and say these names, to help recognize their humanity, memorialize them, and raise awareness of racial injustice. It is also intended to support the correct pronunciation of these names in national discourse.

The names are sourced from a list maintained by NPR CodeSwitch as well as requests from the community.  Pronunciations are researched by the NameCoach team and, where possible, reflect the way family members pronounce the names.

For additional information, developer requests, or to request additional audio name files, please contact [email protected].

Please use the resources below to link directly to the streaming audio files, or embed audio buttons like this in your own website, blog, or other online media (no attribution required or expected):

George Floydwhite play button

You can also download individual files, or the current set of all audio files here:

Vocal recordings by Kenneth Roussell


Embed an Audio Button

Select a style and copy the HTML to use this button on your site:

Having trouble?

Where do I paste the code?

The button code can be pasted after a name or text inside a header or paragraph HTML tag.

It will be shown inline and match the font size of the text it is inserted next to.

<h2>Name [code goes here]</h2>
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